Alex Kendall

Co-founder & CEO

To build autonomy that can scale, we are pioneering the embodied intelligence that enables AVs to drive in any domain.

Transportation & Mobility

Founded Year



Alex Kendall


Seth Winterroth



Wayve was founded in 2017 by leading experts in artificial intelligence from the University of Cambridge, who were working on a novel approach utilizing end-to-end machine learning to get cars to drive in complex environments. Today, Wayve's global team is pioneering AV2.0, a next-generation autonomous driving system that can quickly and safely adapt to new use cases and driving domains anywhere in the world.

Headquartered in London with a second office in California, Wayve is showcasing the promise of its AI-powered AV technology via daily testing on public roads across the UK, on electric cars and light commercial vans. Major businesses like Microsoft and Virgin recognize the potential of Wayve's technology, and the company has signed commercial partnerships with Ocado Group, Asda, and DPD to trial its technology on their delivery fleets.

In five short years, Wayve has solved the fundamental technical challenges of building AV2.0 at scale. The company aims to be the first to deploy AVs in 100 cities globally. 

Eclipse Carbon Optimization Framework

Wayve, which is solving multiple problems with its capital-efficient and highly scalable autonomous driving platform, enables productivity, cost savings, and more efficient driving, reduces carbon emissions by 7.6%, resulting in 8 MMtCO2e in emissions reduction by 2040.

More On Wayve

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